updated at 2022-10-20
Welcome to Ndi-Igbo Worldwide!
The following Terms of Service govern Ndi-Igbo Worldwide.com usage.
By using this website, you implicitly accept our Terms of Service. If you disagree with any of the guidelines on this page, please discontinue using Ndi-Igbo Worldwide.
The terms "users", "visitors", "individual", "person", "you" and "your" refer to you, the person who is logged in to this website (www.ndi-igboworldwide.com) and who has read and agreed to Ndi-Igbo Worldwide's Terms of Service. The terms "Ndi-Igbo Worldwide", "ourselves", "product", "service", "we", "platform", "our", and "us" all refer to this website. All the preceding words can be used interchangeably without altering the sentence's meaning.
We employ cookie technology. By using Ndi-Igbo Worldwide, you agree to our Privacy Policy. which says we can use cookies.
Most interactive websites, including ours, use cookies to remember users' information each time they visit. Our website uses cookies to improve navigation and functionality. Cookies may also be utilized by some of our affiliates and advertising partners.
Limits on using our intellectual property
We retain all ownership rights to any intellectual property that you incorporate into the content you create or share on Ndi-Igbo worldwide by using our platform's intellectual property (for instance, images, designs, videos, or sounds). You may only be permitted to use our copyrights or trademarks with our prior written permission.
Updating our Terms
We work to render better services and bring up features that make our platform the best for you and our community. Therefore, we might update these terms and conditions as time goes on to better reflect our services and practices, in order to ensure a safe and secure experience with our service and product while also complying with the law as it applies.
We will bring to your notice (either by email or through our product) any updated terms once an update is made.
If you disagree with our modified conditions and no longer wish to be part of our community, you can remove your account at any time.
Personal use is permitted, provided these Terms of Service are adhered to.
Our website allows for the posting and sharing of opinions and information. Comments posted on Ndi-Igbo worldwide are not filtered, edited, or reviewed before publication. The words do not reflect the views and opinions of Ndi-Igbo or any of its affiliates. The comment reflects the viewpoints and opinions of the individual who posted it. Ndi-Igbo Worldwide is not responsible for the statements or liabilities, damages, or costs that come from using, publishing, or having comments on this website.
Ndi-Igbo Worldwide has the right to review all comments and eliminate any that are rude, inappropriate, or otherwise against the rules.
What you may share and do on ndi-Igbo worldwide:
We want people to use our platform to say what they wish and share content, but not at the cost of other people's safety or the integrity of our community. You agree not to do the following (or help others do so):
Without first receiving our express written permission, you may not add anything to our Web pages that alter their appearance or functionality in frames.
Content Liability
We don't manage your website content. You agree to defend us against website allegations. There shouldn't be any links on any website that could be seen as defamatory, offensive, or illegal, that violate the rights of others in any way, or that encourage such things.
Your Privacy
Please read our Privacy Statement.
Reservation of Rights
We may request that links to our website be deleted.
You undertake to delete any hyperlinks to our website promptly upon request. We have the right to make revisions to these terms of service and the linking policy at any time.
Removal of links from our website
You may contact us via email at any moment if you discover an offending link on our website. We will evaluate requests to remove links, but we are not bound to do so or respond directly to you.
We don't promise that the information on this website is correct, complete, or up-to-date. We also don't promise that the website will always be available or that its content will always be up-to-date.
Account suspension or termination
We create a community on our platform where people feel comfortable being themselves and discussing important topics.
We may suspend, delete, or disable your account if:
It has been observed that you continuously violate our terms and policies, including the Community Standards.
if you consistently violate people's intellectual property rights.
Your account is not verified after registering or has been dormant for a while.
An unauthorized person has accessed or can not validate your ownership.
We will inform you if we take any action and propose any possible option you have for a review unless doing so would expose us or others to legal liability, harm our user community, compromise or interfere with our service, or if we are limited by technological restrictions or banned by law.
If you or we disable or delete your account, these terms will no longer be an agreement between you and us.
Limits on liability
We try our best to provide simple usage instructions and offer no assurances that our platform will always be safe, secure, or error-free, or that there will never be any interruptions, delays, or malfunctions.
We don't make any promises about performance, fitness for a specific purpose, ownership, or not infringing on anyone else's rights.
We have no control over what people do or say, and we are not liable for their online or offline actions, behavior, or content.
We cannot predict when a fault may occur on our platform. However, our responsibility would be reduced to the degree permitted by law.
We would not be liable for any damage or harm, even if we were aware of its possibility.
Ensuring that our services are accessible:
To operate our global services and let you connect with Ndi-Igbo worldwide, we transfer, store, and distribute content and data to third-party data centers, service providers, vendors, and systems around the world. To deliver our services, we must use this global infrastructure. This infrastructure may be owned, operated, or controlled by third-party business partners or affiliates with whom we do business.
The permissions you give us
To deliver our services, we require the following permission from you:
Rights to use your content: You own the rights to create or post content on Ndi-Igbo worldwide, including images and videos, which intellectual property laws may protect.
To improve our service as described earlier, we would need your permission to use, edit, store, and distribute some of the content you share on our platform. This license can be terminated when the contents or account are deleted.
The content you post to a group as an admin will still be available to other users even though your account has been deleted. When you delete your account, the posts you made as an admin of a page or the content you shared with other users, like photos in shared albums, are not automatically deleted. Other album members may still be able to see them.
Your commitments to Ndi-Igbo worldwide and our community
We offer these services to you and others to further our purpose. In return, we ask that you agree to the following:
Who is eligible to use Ndi-Igbo Worldwide?
Our community becomes safer and more relevant when people stand by their choices and actions. As a result, you must:
Give your account the name that you use regularly.
give truthful information about yourself;
You are only required to open and use one account
Password sharing, granting others access to your Ndi-Igbo Worldwide account, and account transfers are prohibited (without our permission).
We want all Igbos, regardless of origin, to be able to use Ndi-Igbo worldwide. However, you can't use it if any of the following is true:
You are under the age of 18.
You have a history of sexual offenses.
We disabled your account for violating our Terms, community guidelines, or other terms and rules. Also, if you create another account without our consent. Creating a new account is at your discretion and does not mean the disciplinary action was erroneous or without cause.
You are not permitted to enjoy our products or services under applicable laws.
The following is our strategy for ensuring the security, safety, and confidentiality of our services and preventing harm.
Ndi-Igbo Worldwide is committed to providing a secure platform for its users.
We work diligently to ensure the security of our services (including their availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality) by collaborating with third-party service providers, affiliates, and other relevant institutions to develop advanced technical programs that detect potential misuse of our services, harmful behavior towards others, and scenarios in which we may be able to support or protect our community, including responding to user reports of potentially insecure activity.
If we discover this kind of content or conduct, we may inform you, provide assistance, delete content, restrict or limit access to particular services, deactivate an account, or notify the authorities.
For example, we share information with our partner firms that offer financial goods and services to assist them in promoting safety, security, stability, integrity, and legal compliance.
Ndi-Igbo Worldwide may access, retain, use, and disclose any information it obtains about you if it has a good-faith belief that doing so is authorized or permitted by law.
Review our Privacy Policy for further details.